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Beyond Textbooks: The Role of Learning Apps in Education

A visual description of the role of learning apps in education

What is the role of learning apps in Education?

Radhika was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when her 10-year-old son, Aarav, walked in holding his tablet. He had that familiar look on his face—the one that told her he was about to ask something.

“Mom, do you know what a ‘quantum computer’ is?” 

Radhika paused. She remembered coming across the term somewhere, but the details were fuzzy. “Hmm, I think it’s something to do with advanced computers… but why don’t you tell me what you’ve learned about it?” she replied, hoping to turn the question back to him.

Aarav grinned. “I was watching a video on this new learning app Dad got me, and it explained quantum computers are like super-smart machines that can solve problems regular computers can’t! Isn’t that cool?”

Radhika smiled, a little relieved but also a bit worried. When did Aarav start learning about things she hadn’t even heard of? The thought crossed her mind: Am I falling behind?

As she continued cooking, Radhika found herself deep in thought- it was the realization that Aarav was learning things at a pace she had never experienced at his age. When she was a child, access to information was limited to textbooks and what the teachers shared in class. But Aarav had a whole world of knowledge at his fingertips, thanks to tools like learning apps.

Aarav is racing ahead, preparing himself for a future that’s far more complex and advanced than anything we could have imagined at his age. 

Instead of feeling left out, Radhika began to feel a sense of pride

Why not try to keep pace and maybe learn a thing or two along the way? she thought. 

Radhika turned off the stove and joined Aarav on the couch. “You know, Aarav, I think I’d like to learn more about quantum computers too. Maybe we can explore this app together?”

Aarav’s face lit up. “Really, Mom? That would be awesome!”

The Role of Learning Apps in Education

Learning apps are playing an increasingly important role in education, offering a new way for children to learn and explore the world around them.

Let’s discuss this in further detail:

Learning Anytime, Anywhere
With learning apps, your child can learn whenever they want, wherever they are. With virtual learning methods, your child doesn’t have to wait for a scheduled class or lecture. They can study whenever they feel ready, with all the resources they need right at hand.

Goodbye, Heavy Textbooks
I am sure you would love a world where your child doesn’t have to carry around heavy textbooks. Learning apps on smart devices can replace traditional notebooks and textbooks, completely changing how we think about education.

For example, Khan Academy for Kids is an app that offers a large library of educational videos and exercises online across various subjects.

Everything in One Place
No more juggling between books, notebooks, and other materials. A single device with a learning app can hold everything your child needs, making studying more organized and accessible.

iPrep is a learning app that hosts everything from ebooks, to videos, practice & tests, simulations, games across multiple grades and multiple subjects all in one place. You can also get “beyond academics” content such as life skills, yoga, sports, performing arts, financial literacy in a single subscription.

Encouraging Independence
Learning apps empower kids to teach themselves. With a wealth of information available on a device, your child can explore topics on their own, fostering a love for self-learning.

Smart and Organized Learning
Educational apps keep everything neatly organized online, so your child can easily access their study materials whenever they need them.

Evernote is an app that can be used to organize notes, articles, and other study materials, helping students stay organized and focused.

Making Learning Fun
Learning apps offer a more engaging experience than traditional classes. They can turn even the most challenging subjects into something fun and interesting, helping your child take a greater interest in all their studies.

Duolingo offers interactive lessons and gamification elements to make learning languages fun and engaging for kids.

Catering to Every Child’s Needs
Every child learns differently, and educational apps make it easy to cater to these differences. These apps can be customized to fit your child’s learning style and pace, helping them focus on areas where they might need extra help.

Quiklrn is an Adaptive Learning Platform with integrated AI-based Learning services for  Personalized Learning.

Learning in Your Language
In a country as diverse as India, language can be a barrier to education. Learning apps break down this barrier by offering courses in multiple regional languages, making education more accessible to everyone, no matter what language they speak at home.

For example BYJU’S offers educational content in over 10 languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Punjabi.

Parental Control and Monitoring
As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is learning safely and effectively. Learning apps often come with parental controls and monitoring tools, allowing you to oversee what your child is accessing and how much time they spend on the app. 


As parents, we want the best for our children, and today that might mean keeping up with new ways of learning. Educational apps are not just a trend; they’re becoming an essential part of how our kids learn and grow. From making learning fun and accessible to offering personalized support and flexibility, these apps are truly reshaping education.

If you would like to start with a one-stop educational solution that can offer you everything from multimedia content to play-based learning, personalisation and extracurriculars, try iPrep.

Download it here.

Dr. Ashrukona Deka, Manager of Content Writing and Marketing at iDream Education, is driven by a passion for addressing profound issues that shape education and digital innovation through her writing.


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