Making Things – Complete Guide For Class 3 EVS Chapter 11

Welcome to iPrep, your Learning Super App. Our learning resources for Chapter 3, Making Things, in Class 3 EVS are carefully crafted to ensure students gain an in-depth understanding of the topic. These resources encompass detailed notes, interactive exercises, and practical examples that thoroughly explain key concepts. From learning the basic materials used in making everyday items to understanding how different objects are produced and recycled, students are encouraged to explore various processes. This holistic approach fosters critical thinking and creativity, helping students connect classroom lessons with real-world applications.

The concept of “Making Things” in Class 3 EVS delves into the foundational principles of creativity and resourcefulness by exploring how everyday materials are transformed into useful objects. Students learn about the importance of understanding different materials like paper, cloth, and plastic, and how they can be reused or recycled to create new items. This chapter also emphasizes the environmental impact of waste and encourages students to engage in activities that promote sustainable practices, fostering a sense of responsibility towards their surroundings.

The Potter’s Craft: Transforming Clay into Beautiful Pots

You’ve likely encountered objects like pots, piggy banks, and birdbaths in your daily life. Have you ever wondered what these things are made of or how they’re created? Let’s explore the craftsmanship behind these fascinating objects as mentioned in the chapter Making Things.

a visual representation of a potter's craft from class 3 EVS chapter 11 - Making things

In many families, especially potters, the art of making things like pots involves a unique process. For example, in a seaside town, Mini observed her Appooppan (grandfather) skillfully creating pots. Here’s a step-by-step guide to this process:

1. Preparing ClayThe potter wets the clay, ensuring it is neither too dry nor too wet. The clay is kneaded until it is ready for shaping.
2. Shaping on the WheelThe clay is placed on a spinning stone wheel, and the potter uses his hands to shape it into beautiful forms.
3. Firing in a KilnAfter drying, the pots are baked in a hot oven called a ‘kiln,’ which hardens the clay and makes the pots sturdy.
4. Adding PatternsSome pots are decorated with patterns, adding beauty to the final product.

Pottery Questions to Ponder:

  • What are pots used for in your home?
  • Have you ever visited a potter’s workshop and watched the spinning wheel in action?

Mini’s Experience with Pottery

a visual of mini's experiment with pottery from class 3 EVS chapter 11 - Making Things

Mini, too young to be making things and using the potter’s wheel, helped her grandfather decorate the pots. Her favorite creation was a beautifully patterned piggy bank that she used to save money. This made her wonder: In what ways do you help your parents or grandparents at home?

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DIY Activity: Making Your Clay

a visual of making your own clay activity from class 3 EVs chapter 11 - Making things

The chapter “Making Things” from class 3 EVS revolves around

Follow these steps to create your clay with the help of an elder:

  1. Collect soil from a muddy area and remove large particles using a sieve.
  2. Soak the soil in water for a few days and then drain the top layer of water.
  3. Knead the remaining soil into dough and shape it into objects. Let them dry under the sun.

Exploring Patterns in Nature

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Patterns are all around us! From the stripes on a squirrel to the spots on a leopard, nature inspires many artists. Observing leaves, animals, and objects can help you discover beautiful patterns. Draw and color patterns from nature in the provided boxes.

Natural PatternsDescription
Plant PatternsLeaves of trees like neem often display symmetric arrangements.
Animal PatternsStripes on tigers, spots on butterflies, and scales on fish offer stunning designs.

Patterns in Indian Pottery

Pottery from different parts of India often showcases intricate patterns. Can you identify which pots feature patterns? 

Brick by Brick: Understanding Construction Materials

Bricks are made similarly to pots, using clay that is baked in a kiln to harden. They are essential in constructing buildings such as houses, schools, and hospitals. Rohan, a boy living in Jaipur, was fascinated by watching brick walls being built.

Key Questions:

  • Have you ever seen bricks being made?
  • What other materials are used to construct buildings apart from bricks?

Mud Houses: A Sustainable Alternative

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In many warm areas of India, traditional mud houses are built to keep interiors cool. These houses often use natural materials like grass, wood, and cow dung, which provide insulation and protect against insects.

Questions to Reflect On:

  • Why do you think mud houses are more environmentally friendly?
  • What materials are the houses in your neighborhood made of?

Hands-On Activity: Building a Brick Wall

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Using clay or dough, make small bricks and arrange them in different formations to see which structure stands stronger.

Safety at Construction Sites

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Rohan’s father always followed safety precautions by wearing helmets, safety vests, and sturdy footwear. Do you have any safety rules at home or school? 

Reflect and Discuss

A. Write:

  1. Describe the process of making a pot.
  2. How do artists get inspiration for their patterns?

B. Draw and Color:

Draw three different types of houses that you’ve seen around.

C. Discuss:

  • Why are different materials used for different houses?
  • What if there were no patterns in nature?

D. Interview:

  • Interview a local craftsperson and share your findings with the class.
  • Research how everyday objects like pencils and notebooks are made.


In conclusion, CBSE Class 3 EVS Chapter 11: Making Things introduces students to the fascinating journey of transforming everyday materials into functional and beautiful objects. By exploring the creative processes behind pottery, construction, and other crafts, students of Class 3 EVS gain a better understanding of the role of different materials in our lives. The chapter also encourages environmental responsibility by highlighting sustainable practices, such as recycling and reusing materials.

With its blend of practical activities and real-life applications, Class 3 EVS Chapter 11: Making Things allows young learners to connect academic concepts with their surroundings, sparking curiosity and creativity. This immersive approach makes CBSE Class 3 EVS Chapter 11: Making Things both informative and enjoyable, helping students appreciate the craftsmanship and environmental impact of making everyday items.

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