Fun with Shapes – Complete Guide For Class 3 MAth Chapter 5

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What Do You Mean By Fun With Shapes?

“Fun with Shapes” refers to the exploration of various geometric shapes, patterns, and their properties engagingly and interactively, helping students understand the basics of geometry through hands-on activities and visual learning. Shapes are all around us from the houses we live in to the toys we play with.

Students explore the fascinating subject of geometry in this chapter, “Fun with Shapes,” learning about the various forms, patterns, and characteristics that serve as the basis of spatial knowledge. To help young learners develop their knowledge of geometry enjoyably and engagingly, this chapter explores important topics such as curved and straight lines, patterns with forms, 2-D shapes, square corners, and basic properties of triangles and circles, as well as tangrams.

Curved and Straight Lines

The first area we are going to touch in the chapter “Fun with Shapes” is “Curved and Straight Lines” At the most basic level, shapes are formed using two types of lines: curved lines and straight lines.

a visual representation of various curved and straight shapes from class 3 math chapter 5 - Fun With Shapes
  • Straight lines are lines that do not bend. These lines can go in any direction – horizontal, vertical, or diagonal – but they always remain straight. For example, the sides of a square or rectangle are all straight lines.
  • Curved lines, on the other hand, are lines that bend and are not straight. These lines can be smooth or wavy, like the outline of a circle or an arc.

Activity: Students should be asked to sketch various objects first with only straight lines and afterward with only curved lines. This will enable students to understand how these lines can be used to create a variety of things and forms.

Patterns with Shapes

As stated in the chapter Fun with Shapes, a collection of shapes or designs that repeat in a particular order is called a pattern. A key skill for understanding geometry is the ability to identify and create patterns. Shapes can be used to make basic or complex patterns; squares, triangles, circles, and other polygons can all be used.

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A visual representation of patterns with shapes from class 3 math chapter 5 - Fun with Shapes

For example:

  • A simple pattern could be alternating triangles and squares: triangle, square, triangle, square, and so on.
  • A more complex pattern could include a mix of multiple shapes, like triangle, square, circle, or rectangle.

Activity: Give students cut-outs of different shapes and ask them to arrange them in repeating patterns. They can explore creating patterns based on colors, shapes, and sizes.

2-Dimensional (2-D) Shapes

As further mentioned in the chapter Fun with Shapes, the Two-dimensional (2-D) shapes are plane forms with two length and width parameters. These forms are ideal for drawing on paper since they lack thickness and depth. Among the most popular 2-D shapes are the following: 

A visual representation of 2D shapes from class 3 math chapter 5 - Fu  with Shapes
  • Square: A square has four equal sides and four square corners (right angles).
  • Rectangle: A rectangle has opposite sides that are equal in length and four square corners.
  • Triangle: A triangle has three sides and three corners.
  • Circle: A circle is a round shape with no sides or corners.

Each shape has its own set of properties that make it unique. For example, a square is a special type of rectangle where all four sides are equal in length.

Activity: Provide students with shape cut-outs and ask them to identify and describe the properties of each 2-D shape.

Square Corners (Right Angles)

Further in the chapter Fun with Shapes coms the concept of Square Corners. Right angles are another name for square corners. They appear when a 90-degree angle is formed by two lines meeting. The corners of many 2-D shapes, such as squares and rectangles, are square. Students who can identify right angles are better able to distinguish between different kinds of shapes.

Asking students to visualize the shape of a door or book corner will help them recognize square corners. These are common examples of right angles.

Activity: Ask students to determine whether or not the angles in various forms have square corners by using the corner of a sheet of paper as a guide.

Basic Properties of Triangles and Circles

Triangles and circles are two fundamental shapes in geometry as mentioned in the chapter Fun With Shapes. Each has unique properties that distinguish them from other shapes.

  • Triangle: A triangle is a 2-D shape with three sides and three corners. The sides of a triangle can be of different lengths, leading to various types of triangles:
    • Equilateral Triangle: All three sides are equal.
    • Isosceles Triangle: Two sides are equal.
    • Scalene Triangle: All three sides are of different lengths.

Triangles are incredibly important in both nature and architecture, as they provide strength and stability.

  • Circle: A circle is a round 2-D shape with no corners or edges. Every point on the circle is equidistant from a central point called the center. The radius is the distance from the center to the edge of the circle, and the diameter is the distance across the circle, passing through the center. Circles are seen in everyday objects like wheels, clocks, and plates.

Activity: Ask students to draw different types of triangles and a circle. Let them measure and label the sides of the triangles to understand their properties.


A tangram is a Chinese puzzle made up of seven flat pieces, called tans, which can be arranged to form a square, or used to create various shapes. The seven tans are made up of:

  • 2 large right triangles
  • 1 medium-sized triangle
  • 2 small triangles
  • 1 square
  • 1 parallelogram
a visual representation of tangrams from class 3 maths chapter 5 - Fun With Shapes

Students can investigate shapes and how they relate to one another through the use of tangrams. They can be rearranged to create objects, animals, and other creative patterns. Tangrams’ simplicity is what makes them so beautiful; by rearranging these fundamental shapes, students may make an infinite variety of figures.

Activity: Provide every student with a set of tangrams. Ask them to use the seven pieces to make certain forms, like an animal or a home. Students will learn how to mix diverse forms to create new ones with the aid of this.


Students develop a solid foundation in geometry by studying square corners, tangrams, patterns, curved and straight lines, triangles, circles, and 2-D objects. To guarantee that students grasp the characteristics of fundamental forms and can use this information in their daily lives, this chapter presents these ideas engagingly and dynamically.

With the help of these exercises and practical application, students can increase their recognition and use of geometric ideas by investigating shapes both physically and visually. Young learners can improve their creativity and spatial awareness in addition to developing their mathematics skills by telling stories about forms, patterns, and riddles.

In conclusion, CBSE Class 3rd Math, Chapter 5 – Fun with Shapes offers students a dynamic and engaging way to explore the world of geometry. By understanding curved and straight lines, patterns, and 2-D shapes, students strengthen their spatial awareness and creative thinking. This chapter, Fun with Shapes, also introduces key concepts such as square corners, the basic properties of triangles and circles, and the fun of tangrams, helping students build a strong mathematical foundation. Whether through practical activities or interactive learning, Fun with Shapes in CBSE Class 3rd Math ensures a thorough grasp of geometry while making learning enjoyable.

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Chapter 5 - Fun With Shapes

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