Does It Look The Same? – Complete Guide For Class 5 Math Chapter 5

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The chapter Does It Look the Same? Engages students in exploring the concepts of symmetry and patterns through hands-on activities. Students will learn to identify and create mirror symmetry and rotational symmetry by engaging in activities such as making patterns from drops of color and using mirrors to find lines of symmetry in various shapes. By rotating shapes and observing if they look the same after a turn, students develop a deeper understanding of rotational symmetry. The chapter includes practical exercises like creating symmetric shapes, comparing symmetry in different objects, and using real-life examples like windmills to understand rotational symmetry. Through these activities, students enhance their skills in identifying, creating, and analyzing symmetry, making geometry both enjoyable and educational.

Does It Look The Same?

The learning journey of the chapter Does it look the same, starts from understanding symmetry and patterns. Let’s begin

Understanding Symmetry and Patterns

The very first part of understanding the chapter “Does it look the same” starts with understanding symmetry and patterns. These involve- 

Symmetry: Symmetry is when one half of an object or shape is a mirror image of the other half. If you can fold a shape and both halves match exactly, it is symmetric.

Patterns: Patterns are repeated designs or sequences. They can be made using shapes, colors, or numbers, and they follow a specific order or rule that can be predicted.

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Understanding symmetry and patterns helps us see the balance and order in designs and objects around us.

Making Patterns from a Drop of Color

Further in the chapter Does it look the same, we’ll further deepen our understanding with the activity of making patterns from a drop of color.


  • Start with a sheet of paper.
  • Fold it in half and place a drop of color on the fold line.
  • Fold the paper again, press, and then open it to reveal a beautiful symmetrical pattern.
A visual representation of the activity - Making Patterns from a Drop of Color from class 5 math chapter 5 - Does it look the same?

Learning Outcome:

Understand the concept of symmetry by creating patterns that can be divided into two mirror halves.

Identifying Mirror Halves

To further understand the concepts of the chapter does it look the same, we’ll observe different shapes and determine if they can be divided into two mirror halves using a dotted line.

Look at this Pattern

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The dotted line divides the shape into two halves. But if you fold it along the dotted line, the left half does not cover the right half completely. So the two halves are not mirror halves.

Now look at another shape.

 If you fold it along the dotted line, one half will cover the other similar half completely. So the two here are mirror halves.

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Look at shapes and decide if folding them along a dotted line creates two identical halves.

Learning Outcome:

Develop the ability to visually identify symmetric shapes and understand the concept of mirror symmetry.

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Mirror Games

Now let’s further deepen our concepts from the chapter does it look the same by playing some mirror games?


Use a mirror to explore symmetry in various shapes and pictures.

Place the mirror along a dotted line and observe the reflection to see if it creates the expected symmetric image.

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Learning Outcome:

Gain hands-on experience with mirror symmetry.

Understand how positioning a mirror affects the visibility and symmetry of shapes.


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Understanding Rotational Symmetry

The next step of learning the chapter does it look the same involves understanding rotational symmetry. This involves-

  • Half a Turn:

A one-half turn means turning a shape halfway around so it faces the opposite direction. It’s like turning a clock’s hand from 12 to 6. If the shape looks the same, it has one-half-turn symmetry.

Learn about rotational symmetry through a story about a king’s locker that could be opened and locked with a half-turn.

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Explore how certain shapes look the same after a half-turn, while others do not.


Trace the outline of shapes on a sheet of paper, give them a half turn, and see if they fit their original outline.

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Learning Outcome:

Understand the concept of rotational symmetry and how some shapes maintain their appearance after specific rotations.

Creating a Windmill

The concepts of the “Does it look the same” chapter can also be understood with the help of the activity of making a paper windmill.


Let us make a toy windmill. 

1. Take a sheet of paper. 

2. Fold it as shown in the picture. 

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3. Cut out the blue part of the paper. Your sheet of paper will now look like a square. 

4. Fold it along the red lines and then open the fold. Draw a circle on the sheet as shown in the picture.

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5. Cut along the red lines till you reach the circle. The paper will look like this.

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6. Take a pin and make holes in the four corners as shown in the picture.

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7. Now fold the corners such that all the holes lie one on top of the other. 

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8. Pass the pin through the holes and fix it in the stick.

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Your windmill is ready. Run with it and see how fast it moves.

Observe the windmill as it spins and determine if it looks the same after a quarter turn or half turn.

Learning Outcome:

Understand practical applications of rotational symmetry in real-life objects like windmills.

One-fourth Turn

A one-fourth turn means turning a shape a quarter of the way around. It’s like turning a clock’s hand from 12 to 3. If the shape looks the same, it has one-fourth turn symmetry.

Does the fan look the same on the turn?

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One-third Turn

A one-third turn means turning a shape one-third of the way around. It’s like turning a clock’s hand from 12 to 4. If the shape looks the same, it has one-third turn symmetry.

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A one-sixth turn means turning a shape one-sixth of the way around. It’s like turning a clock’s hand from 12 to 2. If the shape looks the same, it has one-sixth turn symmetry.

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In conclusion, Chapter 5 – Does It Look the Same? Provides an engaging and interactive approach to understanding the concepts of symmetry and patterns for CBSE Class 5th students. Through hands-on activities like making patterns with color drops and exploring mirror symmetry, learners are equipped with the tools to identify and analyze symmetrical shapes in their environment. The practical exercises, such as creating a toy windmill, reinforce the principles of rotational symmetry, allowing students to see these concepts in action.

As students progress through the chapter, they not only grasp the mathematical theories behind symmetry but also enhance their creativity and critical thinking skills. Embracing the lessons in Does It Look the Same? Ensures that students appreciate the beauty of symmetry in the world around them while solidifying their mathematical foundation.

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Chapter 5 - Does It Look the Same?

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