The Fish Tale – Complete Guide For Class 5 Math Chapter 1

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The chapter The Fish Tale immerses students in the world of fishing to explore various mathematical concepts. Through engaging stories and practical examples, this chapter highlights how math is used in everyday life, particularly in the context of a fish market. Students will learn about fish sizes, boat speeds, market prices, and financial literacy through activities involving cost calculations and earnings. Key topics include measuring and comparing the sizes of different fish, calculating distances traveled by various boats, understanding the prices of fish in the market, and learning about savings and loans for fisherwomen.

The Fish Tale 

This chapter – The Fish Tale explores the concepts of measurement, estimation, and geometric shapes through a story involving fish.

Fish and Shapes: A Creative Start

Do you know any poems about fish? Here’s a special poem from the chapter – the Fish Tale, known as a Haiku—a three-line poem popular in Japan that captures the essence of nature:

Deep under the sea
See the lovely colored fish.
Swimming peacefully

Another Haiku you might enjoy:

banner random

The lake, calm, smooth, still
A fish jumps up and returns.
Ripples shake the lake.

A visual representation of Fish and Shapes from class 5 math chapter 1 - The Fish Tale

The Sizes of Fish

Further in the chapter “The Fish Tale”, we’ll be Understanding the sizes of different fish, from the smallest to the largest, and comparing their lengths and weights.

Smallest and Biggest Fish:

  • Smallest Fish: The smallest fish measures about 1 cm long.
  • Biggest Fish: The whale shark, which is the largest fish, can grow up to 18 meters long and weigh approximately 16,000 kg!

Tail Differences

Whale vs Fish:

  • Fish Tails: Flat and aligned with their bodies.
  • Whale Tails: Look almost like two legs.
A visual representation of tail differences in fishes from class 5 math chapter 1 - the Fish Tale

Schools of Fish

Fish swim in groups called schools to stay safe from predators. Similar to how you feel safe in your school, fish find security in their groups.

A visual showcasing the schools of fish from class 5 math chapter 1 - the Fish tale

Fishermen and Their Boats

Further in the chapter The Fish Tale we’ll learn how to calculate the distances traveled by different types of boats, such as log boats, motor boats, and machine boats, based on their speeds.

Types of Boats:

  • Log Boats: Travel about 4 km per hour.
  • Motor Boats: Travel at about 20 km per hour.

Based on the above information, we can find the solutions of Real real-life problems. 

Activity 1:

  • How far can you travel in an hour if you walk fast?
  • Calculate how long it will take for a log boat to travel 10 km.
  • How far can a motorboat travel in 3.5 hours?

Fishing Methods

Boats and Fishworkers

It is related to Numbers in Everyday Life

  • Concepts: Counting, addition, and subtraction.
  • Example: Calculating the number of boats with and without motors. 

Types of Boats:

  • Log Boat: Carries about 20 kg of fish per trip.
  • Motor Boat: Carries 800 kg of fish per trip.
  • Machine Boat (Trawler): Carries 6,000 kg of fish per trip.
types of boats and fishermen from class 5 math chapter 1 - The Fish Tale

Activity 2:

  • How much fish can each boat bring in seven trips?
  • How far can a motorboat travel in six hours?
  • How long does a long-tail boat need to travel 60 km?

What a Catch!

Fishworkers’ Lives

Connecting Mathematics to Social Contexts

  • Concepts: Multiplication and division.
  • Example: Estimating the number of workers involved in various activities like catching fish, making nets, etc.

Big Machine Boats:

These big machine boats also catch the small baby fish, which have yet to grow up. Fishermen in the smaller boats always let the baby fish pass through their nets to go back into the sea. They choose a net size in such a way that only the grown-up fish are caught.

Which Boat Gets How Much?

Table Calculation:

Look at the table showing the speed and catch of different boats. 

Type of Boat Catch of fish in one trip ( In kg)Speed of the boat ( How far it goes in one hour) 
Logboat 204 km/h
Long-tail boat60012 km/h
Motorboat80020 km/h
Machine boat100022 km/h

Based on the Information, we can perform an Activity.

Calculate the following:

  • Total fish caught in seven trips by each type of boat.
  • Distance covered by a motor boat in six hours.
  • Time taken by a long-tail boat to travel 60 km.

Some Big, Big Numbers! 

Introduction to Large Numbers

Understanding Large Numbers through Real-Life Contexts

Concepts: Lakhs and crores, reading and writing large numbers.

Lakhs:  One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000).

Crores: One crore is equal to ten million (10,000,000).

Understanding Zeros in Large Numbers

  • One Thousand: 1,000 (three zeros)
  • One Lakh: 100,000 (five zeros)
  • One Crore: 10,000,000 (seven zeros)

By knowing about the large numbers, we can solve the problems based on the Numbers in Lakhs and Crores.

Large Numbers in Different Contexts

Comparing Large Quantities & Practicing Writing Large Numbers

  • Concepts: Place value, number sense, and zeros in large numbers.
  • Example: Comparing the numbers of boats, fish workers, and other quantities in lakhs and crores and Writing large numbers like one lakh (100,000) and one crore (10,000,000).

The Fish Market!

Further in the chapter “The Fish Tale”, we’ll understand how prices are determined and calculated is essential for financial literacy. Here, we will learn about:

  • The cost per kilogram of different fish types.
  • Practical applications of multiplication and division to determine total prices and earnings.

Market Prices

In the chapter, “The Fish Tale”, Learning how to calculate costs and earnings by understanding the prices of various fish types in the market.

  • Sardines: ₹40/kg
  • Sword-fish: ₹60/kg
  • Prawns: ₹150/kg
  • Squid: ₹50/kg
  • Kingfish: ₹1200 for 8 kg

Based on the provided information, we can solve the real-life problems.

  1. At what price per kg did Fazila sell the kingfish?
  2. How much did Floramma earn from selling 10 kg of prawns?
  3. How many kg of sardines did Mini sell if she earned as much as Gracy who sold 6 kg of swordfish?

Women’s Meenkar Bank

This part of the chapter “The Fish Tale” introduces the concepts of savings and loans, emphasizing the importance of financial planning and the power of interest over time.

Savings and Loans:

Introducing financial literacy by exploring how fisherwomen save money and take loans to create and improve their businesses.


  • Savings: Each fisherwoman saves ₹25 a month. We can calculate the total monthly and ten-year savings for the group.
  • Loans: We can take loans to find opportunities to create big businesses 

The Fish-Drying Factory

Learning cost calculation, profit analysis, etc through this concept.

A visual representation of the fish drying factory from class 5 math chapter 1 - The Fish Tale

Understanding the economics of setting up and running a fish-drying factory, including the costs of equipment and monthly expenses.

Cost Calculation:

The women of Meenkar Bank also want to start a factory to dry fish. The Panchayat has given them some land for that. Over the years they have saved ` 74,000. They find out how much they will need for the factory.

Setup Costs: The things required to set up the factory

A tabular representation of the Setup Costs: The things required to set up the fish drying factory - From class 5 math chapter 1 - The Fish Tale

Calculation of Monthly Drying Production and Monthly Costs like

  • Fresh fish to dried fish conversion
  • Cost and selling price calculations
  • Salt: 2 per kg for 1500 kg
  • Packing and bus charges: ₹3000

After complete setup and management, we can find the total monthly cost and Profit Calculation.


In conclusion, CBSE Class 5th Math Chapter 1 – The Fish Tale provides an engaging and practical approach to learning essential mathematical concepts. Through the captivating context of fishing, students not only grasp the fundamentals of measurement, estimation, and large numbers but also explore the financial aspects of fishing, including costs and earnings.

By integrating stories and real-life applications, The Fish Tale helps students understand how math is woven into everyday activities, making it relatable and fun. This chapter encourages students to connect mathematical principles to their lives, emphasizing the importance of financial literacy and problem-solving.

As you explore The Fish Tale, remember that math is not just about numbers; it’s a powerful tool that helps us navigate the world around us. Dive deeper into this fascinating chapter, and let the journey of learning continue!

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Chapter 1 - The Fish Tale

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